Intuitive Readings and *New Quantum Creative Living Sessions!

Lorie works with the Archangels and uses a heart-centered and gentle approach to answer personal concerns and questions related to body, mind, emotions, and spirit. She also offers information and messages through cards you, or she, chooses ... a general reading of what is presenting, or she can help you answer specific questions, or a combination of the two; mainly from an energetic stand-point with some specifics ... she gives her impressions to assist you in choosing for yourself and for more insights and perspectives as well.  She notes that the best way to predict the future is to create it; she will empower you and help you shift to create your life more how you want it to be. She believes very much in living in the moment, and focuses the session attuning to what is presenting in the here and now ... to assist you with what will manifest in your future "here and now". Her intention is to empower you to make the best choices available to you at your own rate and comfort level.

The Archangels come into "form" usually behind you to bring messages and shift your energy on many levels.  Most clients comment they feel their energy changing and and feeling uplifted and quite different.  The changes can ripple on for minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.

Each reading is unique and the information shows up in that time and space in many varied ways for each individual.  Once again, readings are gentle and from the heart and offered with much respect for every person. You can combine your reading with a Reiki/Quantum healing as well. And Lorie is now offering quantum creative living "coaching" readings/sessions to help you in various areas of your life. (Sessions ranging from 1.5 hours down to one hour, 45  minutes ... or 20 minutes after initial session for a question or two ... see below).

*Quantum Creative Living Sessions

These personal sessions are even more specific for you to hone in on what you are wanting to create or "un-create" in your life.  And this can be anything you want to focus on. Many are interested in more balance in all areas of their lives and more flow.  You will be assisted to access the quantum field more consciously and you can receive on-going support to sustain momentum tailored for you. 

Sessions can be 20 minutes to 1.5 hours at the regular rates listed below. :)

Intuitive Readings: By phone: E-mail to book an appointment. :)

1.5 hour:   $180

One hour: $120

50 mins:   $100

45 mins:   $ 90

40 mins:   $ 80

Phone Readings: E-transfer or Credit Cards through Square (additional charge for credit cards $3-$5).

Pre-payment is required prior to the session or class.

Terms & Conditions/Disclaimer

I acknowledge this work and any classes, sessions, events, workshops, content on the website, webinars, streaming, products, teleconferences, etc. are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition, including: spiritual, medical, psychological or health or energy related. They are intended to be complementary to and supportive of you and of any treatment you might choose from your licensed health care professional.  Lorie Cover is not a licensed Medical Doctor or Health Care Professional. Neither she, nor anyone acting in conjunction with her are licensed Medical Doctors or Health Care Professionals. They do not make any representation or promise regarding the effects or outcome of the products, events, workshops, lectures, teleconferences, webinars, etc. or other items or events. They do not assume any responsibility for any medical, health condition, life event or situation you now have or may have in the future. The Information received through any of these means should not in any way be used as a substitute for advice from a Medical Doctor, licensed Health Care Professional or other licensed appropriate professional. Those participating with offerings of Lorie Cover and assigns need to be emotionally stable and of sound mind.

Participants and their heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, release and waive any and all claims they now have or may have in the future, in connection with the sessions, events, workshops, webinars, streaming, products, teleconferences or work, etc. of Lorie Cover or those who work in conjunction with her, including and not limited to any employees, contractors, agents or any organizations advising, promoting, sponsoring, hosting or otherwise involved in the events, workshops, content on website, webinars, streaming, teleconferences, products, etc. and their heirs, representatives, successors and assigns.

All images, text, information, workshops, teleconferences, webinars, training, products, handouts, etc. are copyright protected and are the sole property of Lorie Cover. They may not be borrowed, used, copied, recorded, reproduced, adapted, altered, modified, taught, simplified, etc. in any way without the written consent of Lorie Cover. No personal recording is permitted.

Copyright 2024