Thoughts for April 2024 

April arriving with so many flowers here and trees blossoming ... happy, happy, happy about that! Time is flying by and it is the 6th already today. I like to have my website thoughts updated by the 1st of each month, but the intermittent intensity of these changes we are in has me embracing more flow ... These last few weeks, there have been a lot of comments, everywhere it seems I look, on the eclipse this Monday, April 8th ... I do have a sense it this eclipse and the extra focus on it is partly because it is a powerful energy that day, but tied in with some bigger energetic shifts, and my sense is to suggest we keep our frequencies high the next few days, light, movement, fresh goods that resonate with us, meditation ... in essence; uplift yourself and be in that energy on Monday too. (And the negative, fearful commentary I feel is unwarranted, but follow your own intuition in your choices always.)

Again if you feel tired or have emotions and thoughts coming up to be processed anytime, suggestions are to hydrate and rest as much as you can until your energy comes back up; music and nature help a lot too ... do what resonates for you (create, love, do breathing practices etc.) and know you can heal with an Archangel if you feel you would like extra help (more info below).  Time also continues to feel more fluid ... fast; slow; and as though "stopped" some moments ... many are really feeling the change in our reality; some are still not noticing that there are big changes ... And still something happening with an odd winter some days here on the west coast of Canada ... more snow in AB in the past week, and a definite icy chill the past 2-3 days here in BC ... my intuitive senses are still telling me some of this is "normal" and some of it is not.  So much is changing in our collective reality ... and others have said the weather will be more temperate for all countries and many of us are "up" for that ...  Experience of time is continuing to be odd, and sometimes feels more settled somehow ... I feel it will continue to feel different to us as we move into higher vibrations and become less "linear and more spherical" in many of our perceptions. With rising frequencies that are "holding" in their new levels more and more, we experience a new range of "reality". Like a dog can hear sounds in the bandwidth that we don't, we are opening to perceive a bigger range, and a "new" range as well.  Our senses are upgrading and refining; energy shifting right down into our cells. Our beliefs will also affect what we sense as well ... stay open to anomalies, and know that these anomalies may be changes that you are actually perceiving. 

Can you feel the lighter energy where you are today? Noticing it other days? (It's okay if not, as we are each in different places in Canada and the world ... and, on within our own selves ... our own growth pathway), and every moment is different, but we are in a collective energy too.  Feels really, really good more moments this month already, and then may still be a lot, to a bit, more challenging others ... many still needing more sleep some nights, partly to integrate the changing energies, and some are doing very deep work and more in the dream time ... and so, naps are suggested for some days (we shift easily energetically in our sleep oftentimes, and you can also often rejuvenate and re-set for the rest of your day with a nap or a short meditation) ... There continues to be lots of changes happening politically and with our financial systems (BRICS) as well ... try to get away from TV news ... and trust our feelings when things don't feel "right" ... Jesse Waters is one I find is telling truth, and Tucker Carlson ... and Elon Musk has got some interesting perspectives lately on "X" and has cleared up a lot of the censorship that was happening on the platform in my opinion ... (more on TV below) ... I also highly recommend the new movie "Sound of Free dom" (put that last word together ... it is the truth and this problem is far bigger and more widespread than we realize; and intricately ties into so many and so much of our systems and more. And it ties in with almost everything that is happening on all levels ... Watch until after the credits for another bit of info too.  Much more is being revealed of so much that has been hidden and not known to most of humanity. Go at your own pace and in your own way.

There are still really odd weather patterns ... the hurricane in Mexico a few months ago is one case in point ... another is the fires in Maui ... and the fires in north Texas just recently ... that was not normal in my opinion.  There have been videos catching fires being started with drones and attached "firemakers" on them setting trees ablaze from the tops mainly, beams of energy coming down from concealed aircraft burning with intense heat up in the 2500 degree range ... and some people caught on the ground starting many fires around the world ... this is not just nature and natural fires starting ... and this is know to be happening in many other places in the world too ...  There has also been really odd and sudden weather (we have learned that there is technology to affect and control our weather, and it has been around for a long time) ... this applies to other years past too (often I ask and let go, and the answer comes in some form ... you might want to do some of your own research on this and all I present ... more below)... 

But still, there feels to be good changes reflected many days in the clarity in the sky and the softer feeling sun ... stay open to notice how the sky may change with the changing level of your vibration ... or subtle other things in your environment ... (we shift up and down in frequency more easily now, and even to higher dimensions, like turning your radio dial to receive a station ... we can tune ourselves too, and it's feeling best when we keep our frequency high with rest, nature, organic when possible high vibration food ... the closer in the food chain to the sun such as fruits and veggies, but each body needs a unique combo for our personal needs and where we are at on our journey to more lightness of being). Suggestion this month is to take time to feel into your plans and lists, and if they resonate with you (are you happy doing these things?), rejuvenate, play some, keep your vibrations up as much as possible as we continue to transform.  Nature time, healthy food (supports our rising cellular frequencies), and change to more of what you're drawn to ... even a new version of an old favorite with healthier ingredients ... and as above, more "alive" food like fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, local pure meat, etc ... laughter and joy, love, rest, more sleep, deeper breathing, creativity ... whatever helps you to feel more balanced and good. 

I am leaving much more information on this page than ever, as I feel I want to offer as much as I can to help all of us in this time ... it may be good to take in all at once, or read a paragraph or two ... whatever suits your reading and learning style.  We had clear blue skies and pleasant temperatures and "real" looking on the edge of the sky clouds back again today just for a short time mid afternoon; then it was gone again with thick grey clouds ... one of the revelations I learned about over the years were the patents and actual technology in different forms to control our weather (you can use a different search engine such as "Brave" or "Duckduckgo" and look this up - the US one was "HAAR  P" ... type without spaces and you can most likely find information still) ... The political, and many more truths that have been hidden from us in every major area of our lives as we know it, are really coming out now; I just noticed more today and the truth of what has been hidden from most of us for most of our lifetimes.  In fact, a lot of our history (probably most, if not all) is not what we have been told or taught ... and even in the past 20 years, more information has been changed in schools, universities, books, documentaries, news and more to bring in more control and to create a specific "narrative".  This is perhaps important to take note of; but perhaps not (or learn and do what uplifts you to help in some way, and then let it go) ... as we move into the new energies and eventually let go of it all ... the revealing of a new way of being, and uncovering what was hidden is revealing much "new" truth, and it is coming out from many channels, so my sense is even more heightened that we will be likely, as a collective, still to be feeling "up and down".  But, we are each unique and will experience the world within our own perceptions ... however; this is a shared experience in many ways; a huge transformation (I've noticed walking way out on the pier in my little city by the sea, that what used to be such clear-feeling energy there, is often feeling like lots of dense emotions left behind by all the people recently walking there ... I have never felt this in all the years I've spent time on the pier ... I feel almost every person is releasing a lot of old energy, and I also feel people probably let go of what they are holding when they feel the clear vastness of the ocean and nature energy there ... (kind of like when you walk in a room where there has been an argument and you can feel the energy still there; especially in the corners) ... you can imagine a sphere of clear light, or any colour you like, around you and that can help you maintain your own energy balance.  And, we are continuing with very high frequencies coming in some days to integrate; and some are shifting and setting with more ease into the new energies, and some are resisting ...these can feel like intense energies, and like a welcome change for the "awakened" ... and for the "awakening" it still may get uncomfortable, and even intense in many ways ... I find it helps to ask "am I okay right now?" and then settle into the present moment. You can feel into the areas of your body that feel more dense or constricted, and breathe in deeper for a bit, and intend the areas to clear and open and relax.  More revelations of truth and changes are coming, and so much more.  It is helpful to keep ourselves as balanced and peaceful and "high vibe" as we can each day.

And these changes are taking us into even more change ... I have noticed that I have a bit of an even more expanded capacity in intuition lately too ...  (and, examples others are noting, are knowing what is going to happen next in a movie they've never seen, or in their lives; or knowing who is calling or texting for sure before you look at the phone; thinking of someone from your past and you see them that day while you are out and about, or you have a new idea to try something, and the opportunity shows up fast; immediately or in 1 to 2 days) ...    I've also noticed that some things I did not used to like or prefer, I suddenly do!  Solutions appear easier to problems than every before ... joyful things happen with animals and families nearby when out and about, someone is upset, and many people move to help that person, ... surprising and sometimes quite delightful ... bringing us more hope and optimism for dealing with changes ... big and small.  And I continue to notice birds and animals coming closer; the joy and exuberance of dogs out walking with their people, and enthusiasm in the children in the area ...  beauty; especially in nature ... many wildflowers are blooming in the area, and by the ocean still ... and the winter orange berries are prolific!  The sun is important for our vitality and is providing us with energy to assist through this transformation.  Sun has always been good for us is how I feel, and have come across many other experts who report this info in a more scientific way with back-up studies  ... the sun gives energy to our plants; many animals love to sun themselves, and often have a nap in the sun ... a certain amount recharges us ... feel into your natural needs for sunshine ... (I also suggest caution in certain sunscreens and their ingredients ... have had an intuition for years that the chemicals going in your skin were causing health issues for many ... perhaps do some of your own research about this, and choose something more natural if you feel you still need a "screen" from a health store ... maybe a hat or umbrella?). I strongly suggest research on anything you put in your body, on your body or have injected in your body! 

I am still noticing many changes and unique experiences going on in the dream time, and others are sharing they are feeling the same, and that time is feeling strange (some nights feel like they go on for a very long time, and some days go by in what feels like just a few hours) ... for many, our thoughts are creating much more instantly in the dream time and also more quick in waking time as well ... know that you can set your intention before sleeping to have a better dream experience (and if you are open, you can ask your favorite Archangel for assistance ... if you don't know the Archangels yet, you might ask the more well-known healing Archangel Raphael, or Michael or Gabriel ... use your intuition to choose, or your own favorite higher being).  We want to continue to relax as much as we can into the higher vibrations ... they are pulling us more and more into the present moment ... this is where our power is ... in the now ...  and there feels to be a continuing call for varying levels of transmuting and clearing, more sleep many days ... again; we are moving from "linear" reality and into a more "circular" reality (present moment that can be a tight, focused small circle, or an expanded really big feeling "circle", with our perception of reality more like a focus in the moment that expands and contracts) ... a more "neutral energy" holding potential for us to choose and create ... also known as the "zero point" in the quantum field ... I feel we, as a broader collective, have been receiving more truth and revelation, depending on where we find information ... and the rest of this month, and in the months to come ... some difficult information and some wonderful information will continue to come in ... world-wide; many more people know much of what has recently been revealed, and are preparing for what will be revealed; a significant amount of people do not know ... it is important that we stay balanced as much as possible, and be prepared to support one another through this time ... in our own unique way and in the flow of our days ... offer what resonates with your way of being, and maintain your centre as best as you can ... and perhaps ask a person who wants to know more, what they have been wondering about, or felt something about, and start there, gently offering some information ... and for those that are open, the Archangels are available any moment to assist in many ways ...

Archangel Jophiel continues to be with us this month with a message about continuing spending time in nature; nature is our real home, not the dwellings we live in ... and we need the energy of the earth to thrive ... (for e.g., walking here in the Northern hemisphere and consciously grounding through our footwear ... or ideally with bare feet on the ground if it's warm enough... on my walks when it's warmer, I stop for a few minutes on a nice grassy area, and slip my sandals, or shoes and socks off and stand in my bare feet; it only takes less than a minute, according to one study I saw recently, to fill your body with helpful ions and a good charge from the earth ... I really feel the difference, throughout my body, especially increasing my energy in the summer and early fall), breathe deep, connect with the trees and plants, animals and birds, and in the Southern hemisphere, and here now in the Northern, put your attention for a few moments to extend your energy of your feet through your shoes to connect to the earth, or bare feet on the grass/sand/ground if you can, even for a few minutes and even if it's  a bit cold out, and connect with nature too ... this helps us set into the higher frequencies of the earth with more ease, and to integrate into the changes each day) ... also patience, and allowing our lives to unfold in an organic way ... the inter-connectedness of our inner energies and the world are transforming deeply, and the "up-shift" is complex and harmonized in a quantum simplicity as well ... so much is changing moment to moment in this ascension and rise in vibration/frequency that requires us to more fully come into each moment and embrace new ways of being ... more rest (and at odd times), changing diet and hydration, new ideas, thoughts and emotions changing, health, activity levels and choices, some changing relationships, homes, jobs and careers ...  

The old is dissolving, (and many of our institutions are going away ... corporations too ... governments will devolve and become more local and community oriented (I've heard down to as little as 10% or what we have had in the past ... sovereignty coming back to us), as we move into this new time; the higher frequencies continue to come in and we are transforming. All is changing to go to new levels of energy ... reflecting a new level of vibration ...despite what it may look like, it's heading to better in all areas ... we are encouraged to continue to look past the illusion and to know that what we perceive is not always what the truth is (please follow your intuition and ask your higher self to guide you in perfect ways for you ... and look deeper beyond presented information in the world ... if it doesn't feel true, it may not be ... there is a lot of disinformation out there ... more than I even thought ... the mainstream news is controlled by a select few and so you may want to look elsewhere (though some truth has begun to start trickling in from them as well; I believe some have been bought, or taken back, by honest people) ... I would also suggest "alternative" search engines like "Brave" and apps such as "Telegram" and the new "Truth Social" coming out now ...  and platforms like Rumble and Bitchute to a degree (though I'm not sure about this platform ... we will wait and see), and even some info is still being put on "Youtube" (though the truth has to often be spoken in a kind of code on this platform), and it seems Twitter, now X, has taken a turn back towards free speech (it's looking like it has the past few months)  ... and I am still noting that we have had, and there may be more of what looks like worldwide even more major crises in new areas (military for e.g., but it will be for us is my strong feeling ... "corruption" is being removed; we are also getting a new better financial system backed by precious metals and gold (will vary by country and what they have available to back with), and it's in place already under the old system as I understand, and it includes cash still and a digital coin connected to the cash ... it's not the 'bad reset' either, but if presented with a "central bank digital currency backed by nothing",  and no cash offered, you may want to be careful, and research that, and in my opinion, the currency that is backed by gold or other precious metals etc would be the one to choose with cash with the system too ... I am not a financial advisor, so do your own research on this) ... I feel it's all going to be pretty much okay ... (odd as it may seem, we are being shown what may have happened in an extreme way in our world, if things had gone another way; we often understand better if we are "shown" rather than "told"; however, there are real "unsavory" things happening too, so stay aware and use your intuition where to go and what to do) ... and, stay as balanced as you can ... continue to breathe and embrace the moment you/we find ourselves in. 

Our "expanded" abilities are opening and many are noticing enhanced intuition, telepathy, and some more advanced abilities ... also many repressed patents (around 6000) and technologies are coming to assist us soon (I feel they will take us back to more natural living and freedom and creativity ... I personally feel not to use technology that writes for you ... I'd research Goo ... gle on some alternate search engines to see what's been really going on there (you might want to research, and I would not be joining any Me ta  (put this word together) Universe etc. ... (transhumanism has some very dark agendas and ideas in my opinion) ... for the sovereign, and embracing nature and more organic, and pure; it's an exciting time and will get better and better ... again; it will be a unique journey for each of us. This time we are living through has been predicted long, long ago in many cultures and more recently as well, and we are going through a profound transformation ... even the idea of the past is being merged with the present ... there are many "ascension symptoms" ... you may have trouble accessing memories and this is often connected to the rising vibrations collapsing the electro-magnetics that hold memory in torsion fields (though as I understand memory is also held connected into our DNA as well), and the changes are all a part of us transforming into being in the now moment ... most of us are feeling time is different ...again, we are moving from our perceptions of a linear to a more spherical reality... old ways of doing things and structures and businesses etc. will be dissolving, closing and the new taking their place ...and some reopening in new and improved ways ... new creativity will be felt by many in all ways we know, and lots of "new" ways too ...

Archangel Jophiel reminds us that each moment is a moment we are creating and co-creating, and like a seedling we tend and grow, our creations still may need tending to grow ... and soon creations will become a lot quicker and instantaneous more and more ... we are learning new levels of creating and how to "be" in these higher levels of frequencies ... and we are going through a lot as a collective, as we birth into this new time ... (it's been challenging these past few years for most, to put it mildly, and some have had an easier time of it) ... yet, if we are patient, and stay in the moments, we will move forward and find our new "footing" as we learn how to navigate these new energies we are embodying within, and in our world ...  breath is key to our well-being, and brings us into the now ... and, so if you like, close your eyes ... breathe in and out, perfect for your comfort level, for several breaths ... and notice how your whole being calms more ... she is also asking us to notice how our bodies are feeling (feel where the energy feels perhaps tight or dense or not flowing ... she notes how we can bring attention and breathe into those areas, and notice how they may change ... also; since we are changing into the new, de-cluttering is a great idea ... and you can check out ways to clear the energy in your homes and yards and cars ... offices etc. (open windows for fresh air, sage, incense, bells, high vibration music, your own intention, move your furniture and objects around to new places are a few) ... and if you like, you can call on Jophiel and she will assist you into more health and wholeness as well ... more info below) ...

Each day, the energies are shifting/changing and becoming lighter and higher in vibration ... the whole earth and everything on it, and all of our systems, institutions, governments, ways we express, and more ... and including us ... for example, heavier emotions such as sadness and fear etc. are  lower in frequency than happiness and optimism and trust, and because we often suppress emotions in many of our cultures, these are now being loosened and released from within us, as the high vibrations are merging with everything ... depending where we are in our connection with our selves, we may or may not know what is happening or how to manage these changes ... also, you may have healed one event, for example from your memory, and it may come up again, or many times ... know that healing to wholeness often comes up in a "layer" or layers, and I sense layers of healing often as a continuous spiral oftentimes ... embrace and release, and intend to relax into allowing the emotions to clear when they come ... we are each like unique puzzles and the pieces fall into place at the right time for each of us ... sometimes they may not slot in fully until the energy clears just right ... trust the process ... Also, the pain from the past may feel as strong as it did at the time something happened, and we may not know that it's coming from the past (most of us repress emotions at the time they happened in the past) ... many have a tendency to look for meaning right now for how they're feeling, and may project the emotions on a person, or situation, for example, to make sense of what is happening now, when that is not the reason ... we want to be very responsible and focus on our own healing to wholeness ... and know that not forgiving often hurts us more than the other person, because we are holding the pain in us, rather than releasing it ... it may help to know that everyone is doing the best they can in each moment, with everything that has brought them to that moment ... we all make mistakes and we can change.  And, this has been a very challenging world to live in for a very long time, amidst the good parts of it all as well.  Jophiel, and other high beings you may be connected with, can assist you to transmute the energies ... and you can learn how to transmute them yourself of course as well ... (if you feel you need professional help, please do get that for yourself).  There are many ways to shift (time outside in nature or near plants inside, time in meditation,  writing, being in water, walking and thinking and feeling, dancing, sleeping, are some examples that may help you transmute, clear and integrate to the frequencies for that day) ... this is particularly important right now, because the whole earth, and us as a collective humanity, is, and are, transforming and becoming something new and lighter ... this changes time, our thoughts, emotions, and connection to our perceptions of reality/the world ... choosing and intending, especially from the heart, creates results much faster ... and so much more ... we want to be willingly transforming right now, in order to bring more ease in our lives, and adjust to the changes.      

Archangel Jophiel's name means "Beauty of God" ... she reflects her beauty into everyone and everything ....inspiring us to connect to the natural rhythm of nature and the universe ... she assists us to connect to ease, flow and grace and appreciation ... opening our hearts .... she has a refreshing and uplifting energy, and she (and the other Archangels of love) are all very omniscient with abilities that are incredibly varied and overlap, lots still beyond our human comprehension, but they are happy to assist us with many requests if we ask ... it is in our free-will asking that they respond.

  I now ask Jophiel to come in so I can share an experience with you. I close my eyes, and take a deeper breath in and out, feeling some mild density in my right mid back, and a bit of tension across my shoulders, as well as some pain at the back of my left foot, and in the sole of my foot in the middle near my toes ... I feel once again this month, to sit up straighter and set my feet on the ground ... I feel her come in through the energy to my right side, with a slight woosh, and faint cool energy, in a very subtle and quiet way .... she asks me gently to let go of multi-tasking for this healing (and I was, and I do stop) ... and she comes in front of me and touches tiny points on, and near my thyroid level of my upper chest. and a few more down my sternum, and then back up and on the front of my neck ... then eyes and forehead ... a lovely energy like a soft, slow waterfall comes down like a gentle curtain in and around me, with soft purples and blues and whites; and, mist-like energy in pinks, and golds and turquoise in my aura levels ... I hear beautiful musical notes, and feel releases in little areas in my back ... some soreness in my back dissolves, and energy flows along my spine ... I feel more spaciousness within my spine too .... and energy releases from under my shoulder blades and my breathing opens ... some soreness in my throat (I suddenly remember I drank some tea and the first sip was too hot earlier), and I feel worries about the world and our/my future clearing away ... my nervous system feels more relaxed and more "systems" in me too ... Lots more releases in many places in and around me, and I feel clarity and more lightness ... she touches more tiny points on, and around me, and and I smell a lovely spirit aromatherapy blend she has prepared for me (floral, and herbs that are so clean and clear in their scents and more plants and essences I can't identify)... I breathe it in, and feel the blend also melt through me ... then she turns quickly with a flip of her energy "gown" and smiles at me over her shoulder, and is gone.  I smile and blow her a soft kiss of thank you and a soft smile ... I feel gently renewed and aches are gone and I feel even more clear ...  If you like, you can try a session with her, or any of the Archangels, (always be sure to ask to work with an Archangel of the highest love and light (vetted through Archangel Michael if you like) ... you can heal yourself to more wholeness on your own, or with my guidance ... instructions below) :) .... I also do healing and readings and the Archangels come in and work/heal to wholeness perfect for you, as I bring insights and messages for you, and I describe what they are doing for part of it, and assist you with whatever you are wanting assistance on ... empower you, and you receive what if perfect at that time for you!

Archangel energy healing is available for all of us.  I feel it's good to know that we have this assistance; particularly in this intense time, as we go through so many personal and collective small and large changes ... we can clear something, re-balance, calm down, receive some guidance, get help with what to do, and when, and so on ... and know we will have our own unique experience with them, as we all perceive in our own ways.  We don't even need to know what exactly it is we are clearing or healing ... transformation is fast and fluid if we want to experience it this way ... again, for those who have read my "Thoughts for the Month" in the past, there are so many ways to transform and the Archangels of high love and light are nondenominational, clear, loving beings here to help us if we ask. They have no judgement towards us.  Many have said we are changing now into our new higher selves, much like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly ... except we are doing this as we go about our lives in our bodies and in the dream time.  I often request some help as the energies can feel very intense some days, even though I have worked with the Archangels and myself for years, and I've noticed that patterns seems to shift layer by layer, especially the deep, "core" ways of being, and sometimes something you thought you had completed comes back again, as I mentioned above ... I often feel my humanness in deep ways (I live choosing and acting and being my own self most of the time, and ask for help once in awhile ... but this huge world change is causing me to ask more lately) ... there are also feelings of being quite light some moments ... and I know we are all connected ... in this big sea of energy and form ... something pretty amazing is happening ...  it seems it's up and down for most of us, and sometimes really, really up and down... but, the energy does feel easier than ever to shift into a lighter place ... emotions, thoughts, body, situations and relationships.  I am still somewhat mystified, but very thankful that the Archangels appeared to me during a reading I was giving to friend years ago (more about that in the "About Lorie" section of this website), and that we can experience them and receive assistance through them, their messages, and connect and open up to receive energy, and whatever we are needing to become more whole in that moment.   

The above description of Jophiel working with me is one example of how the Archangels can work with any of us if we ask. We don't need to be special or do anything special to receive assistance ... again, they are non-denominational (but are known to most major religions of the world and the names vary a bit in other languages) and very loving and without judgement towards us.  Far more is happening than we can perceive with our human senses; they are exquisite in their energy capabilities. You can try for yourself; the Archangels respond to all who ask (sometimes their assistance comes in subtle ways, so pay attention if you asked a question (it may show up in many different ways: e.g. an idea just occurs to you, someone calls you and talks about what you were just wondering, you watch a show, and the answer is in the story, you open a book and the solution is there, you look up something online and they are talking about what you need, animals show up, and you open up etc.). Or, as I mentioned above, if you like, I can lead you through a connection in a session ... many people like to have a reading and the Archangels come in and work with you right from the beginning and shift you in ways to help you where you are at ... and I describe to you some of what is happening ... it's important that we shift energy ... when we change our energy, our lives change. Or, you can have a healing session and you also receive some description of what is perceived with the Archangels. I am offering distance readings and healing by phone with the world challenges we have right now.  Please have a look at the Readings and Healing pages for more information. :) 

April brings offerings of continued phone readings (some in-person may be available), to empower you and assist you with more clarity, and also individual distant healing,  possibly a meditation evening, ... Classes: In-person: Card Reading and Opening Your Intuition ... and an opportunity to learn to heal: Reiki Classes (Levels I, II and III) ... some two for one offers in Card Reading and in Reiki Classes ...and Distance and in-person Reiki Circles (participants are noting how relaxed they are, feeling much better, and sleeping better after). A walking group,  and a new 3D-5D Class, :) Please check the "Courses and Events" page and check back to see what may be inspired as the month progresses. I am also still beginning to prepare some audio classes and an updated website, waiting a bit on the new social media, writing articles and books, and perhaps audio meditations etc. to assist you on your way ... energy is forming ... . Please let me know if you are interested in joining any classes or circles.

I am available by appointment for personal individual readings, coaching, and healing; readings are offered by phone again this month and I text or email an image of your cards; healing is by distance as well (and you receive an email with a photo of your Archangels and my impressions picked up in your session)... many can feel the energy distinctly coming to them during their session (distance healing can be scheduled for a specific time, and for in the future as well and for loved ones). Hours are 1:30 to 10:00 pm. PST with some flexibility again this month ... :)


... wishing you ease, trust, beauty, synchronicity, spiritual growth and understanding, clarity, abundance, laughter, peace, harmony, love and joy ... whatever you are wishing for ... so much love, and a big warm hug,  Lorie :)

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